Automatic Gates and Doors
Did you trip and fall because of a malfunctioning or defective automatic entry gate? You might have a damage or premises liability claim, but it is in your best interests to identify an experienced premises liability lawyer like ours immediately.
At Shaw Law, it is our goal to get you back on your feet. So, whether you have suffered a fracture, broken bones, torn ligaments or any other type of injury in a premises liability accident caused by an automatic gate, we are here for you and will help you discuss all of the options available to you.
Contact our attorneys online or call us at (260) 777-7777 today!
Injuries Connected to Automatic Gates
Automated entry gates, gate maintenance, gate injuries, and gate service providers are all important to consider when you have been hurt in an accident. Property entry gates that are operated automatically by motor controllers are, unfortunately, associated with a number of different damage claims.
Slip and fall injuries or trip and fall injuries can happen when a person is on foot, outside of the vehicle and trips and hurts themselves because of an automatic gate, but property damage or vehicle accidents might also occur depending on the circumstances of the individual accident. Typical gate injuries can happen in a variety of ways, including a sliding, pivoting or swinging gate that comes into contact with the vehicle or any nearby people. If you’re walking near a swinging gate that malfunctions when it closes too quickly, you deserve a proper investigation in order to determine what caused this accident to begin with, followed by a legal claim for recovery.
These instances can cause significant damage. A pedestrian who tries to move into an area through an already-closing gate that is meant for vehicles only, can cause immediate contact with the person on foot and can crush their body parts or cause the pedestrian to suffer other injuries. An uninformed person working in the area might also fail to disable a motor controller.
Defective or deferred equipment brings up questions related to premises liability claims. Long deferred maintenance of an automatic gate that's known to have problems, for example, might be raised by a premises liability expert in a case illustrating how someone suffered accidents and injuries.
Personal injury cases and premises liability cases hinge on being able to show that the responsible party had the duty of care to the victim. And that in failing to live up to this duty of care, exposed that victim to unnecessary harm that came in the form of severe and life changing injuries.
If this has already happened to you and you have questions about how to proceed and how to best protect yourself and your interests going forward, you need the support of an injury lawyer or premises liability attorney that Indiana residents have trusted for years.
At Shaw Law, you'll know that you are in good hands with an attorney who can help you get back on your feet as soon as possible after an unfortunate incident involving an automatic gate. Contact us online or call us at (260) 777-7777 today!