About Our Firm
When you call SHAW LAW, you get to work directly with Attorney JJ Shaw and Attorney Sky Shaw.
SHAW LAW has obtained MILLIONS of dollars in compensation for our clients—and we work to get you your maximum results.
When you’ve been injured, it can feel like your world is falling apart around you. SHAW LAW is dedicated to helping you get back on your feet and recover what has been taken from you.
We make sure that you and your family are constantly up-to-date with the status of your case. Call, text, email, or DM us at any time—and we will get back to you.

Noblesville Slip and Fall Attorney
We've Recovered Millions!
Our website says its all - we are "slipandfall.com." Statistics show that most slip and fall jury trials are lost by injured victims. Attorney Jeff JJ Shaw has never lost a single slip and fall jury trial in over 30+ years of trials -- not once. And we've literally settled cases for millions of dollars for hundreds of other injured persons.
Hire the right Noblesville slip and fall lawyers who knows exactly how to get you what you deserve. Don't waste time hiring attorneys who only dabble in slip and fall cases. Shaw Law is here to listen and help. Unlike other cases, slip and fall case depends upon quick and timely action to preserve the evidence. Shaw Law can issue preservation letters on your Noblesville slip and fall case or your slip and fall claim within 24 hours of signing up.
And you can get your Noblesville slip and fall lawyer or your Indianapolis trip and fall lawyer from the comfort of your own home anywhere in Hamilton County, Johnson County, Marion County, Boone County, Morgan County, Hendricks County, Hancock County, Shelby County -- we can sign you up with a telephone call and an email.
Hire the Right Lawyers - Shaw Law, Indiana's Slip and Fall Attorneys with Offices in Noblesville and Serving All of Indianapolis and Surrounding Counties
What Is Slip and Fall Law?
Slip and fall Law pertains to any injury you suffer on business property in Noblesville, Indianapolis or Hamilton County. Trip and Fall lawyers like Shaw Law know that slipping, falling or tripping can occur to the most careful of business invitees or customers to any store, restaurant, church or other business property.
When you are injured, hire the right law firm -- Shaw Law. For over 30+ years, we know the ins-and-outs of premises liability laws in Indiana. Slip and Falls are no laughing matter -- you can be seriously hurt and miss time from work with lost wages and future impairment to earn a living.
Call the trip and fall law firm attorneys who know how to handle your Noblesville slip and fall case -- Shaw Law -- Noblesville's Slip and Fall law firm. We communicate on your Noblesville slip or trip and fall case with all of the latest technology -- texts, Skypes, Facebook messaging, email or simple telephone calls. And we don't ever charge a fee -- until you win your slip-and-fall case or your trip-and-fall case.
Get Help Today!
Right here in Noblesville serving all of Marion County and Hamilton County with an emphasis on premises liability cases whenever somebody is injured on business property due to the carelessness and negligence of business establishments such as fast food restaurants, taverns, big box stores, strip malls, parking lots and other business property.
Don't wait to get help! Call Indianapolis Slip-and-Fall Lawyers today for a free consultation.

Settlements & Verdicts
We Get You Maximum Compensation
$5,000,000 Verdict in Indianapolis, IN
Bicyclist Struck by Indianapolis School Bus (independent contractor) Awarded $5M by Indianapolis Jury (Upheld by Verdict, $4.4M Paid)
$3,040,000 Verdict in Gary, IN
Blackjack Dealer Awarded for Slip and Fall on Ice in Trump Casino Parking Lot
$1,750,000 Verdict in Hammond, IN
Child Dies in Fire, Landlord Failed to Provide Adequate Smoke Detectors
$1,460,000 Verdict Near the Ozarks of Missouri
Sheriff's Deputy who Collides With Improperly Transported Manufactured Home Convoy
$750,000 Settlement for Paralyzed Man Shot at Indy Gas Station
Man Shot and Paralyzed at Gas Station by Unknown Assailant from Unruly Crowd That Gathered After Murder of Person the Night Before at Same Site