Shoulder Dislocation After a Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall Accident Causing Shoulder Dislocation in Indiana
A slip and fall accident can actually “pop” the bones in the shoulder joint out of place. A dislocated shoulder is a painful event and can cause permanent damage. A dislocated shoulder after a slip and fall is also very serious because it can permanently damage the nerves or blood vessels in the arm. It can cause serious and irreparable harm to the shoulder joint, causing a lifetime of shoulder impingement or rotator cuff instability. A dislocated shoulder could also be a medical emergency if blood flow cannot continue down into the leg. Individuals who suffer serious shoulder injuries in a fall on another’s property should contact our experienced slip and fall lawyers at Shaw Law for help.
If you or a loved one suffered shoulder dislocation after a slip and fall in Indiana, you may be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys offer free consultations when you call us at (260) 777-7777.
What Is a Shoulder Dislocation?
A shoulder dislocation is a type of painful injury where the bones of the shoulder joint get knocked or popped out of place. Because the shoulder joint moves in many directions, a shoulder dislocation may happen in a downward, forward, or backward direction depending upon the directional force of the injury. When it comes to dislocated joints like fingers, toes, ankles, and shoulders, the shoulder dislocations represent 50 percent of all major joint dislocations.
Types of Shoulder Dislocation
There are two different types of shoulder dislocations. The first is called a subluxation, or a partial shoulder dislocation. This means that the top of humerus (the arm bone) was only partially knock out of place in the joint. Sometimes a traumatic force can be so strong that it completely knocks the humerus out of socket; this is referred to as a complete dislocation.
A person who suffers a shoulder dislocation is also at risk for damaging other parts of the shoulder, including straining or tearing tendons and muscles, and even nerve damage.
Causes of Shoulder Dislocation
A dislocated joint like a shoulder dislocation is usually the result of direct force trauma, such as a slip and fall, or contact sports like football. Any fall on a slippery surface, or tripping over clutter that should not be there, poorly maintained steps or ladders, or uneven surfaces may have enough force to partially or completely pop a shoulder out of the joint.
Medical Treatments for Shoulder Dislocation
A dislocated shoulder is painful and renders the shoulder unstable. A person will not have their full range of motion until the bone is placed back into its proper position. This may happen in one of two ways.
The first way is called a closed reduction, meaning that there is no surgery and the doctor can manipulate the bone back into place by hand. As soon as this happens, the worst of the pain should stop immediately. However, a patient might have to wear an arm sling to take the weight off of the should joint while it heals, or a splint. Over the counter pain medication might be prescribed to help with pain.
The second medical treatment for a dislocated shoulder is reserved for more serious injuries. In this case, surgery might be necessary. This is because the accident might have damaged more parts of the shoulder. For example, broken bones (fractures) or ligaments might have been torn and need reattachment. There may even be nerve damage.
Prognosis for Shoulder Dislocation
While a dislocated shoulder may heal relatively quickly in a healthy young person, rehabilitation may take longer in an older person, or anyone with bones or wounds that take longer to heal.
Naturally recovering from a surgical procedure may take more time than a nonsurgical choice of treatment because it is more invasive for a body. Regardless of age, once a shoulder dislocates for the first time, it is likely to happen again especially if the shoulder has any level of instability.
How a Shoulder Dislocation Injury Can Affect Work
An employee will not be able to do any weight bearing activity until a doctor has approved them to return to work. This is because the injury needs time to heal property, including any muscle or tendon strains or tears that have complicated the dislocation. Failing to do so may re-injure the area, including the possibility of another potential shoulder dislocation due to the shoulder’s instability.
If you or a loved one suffered shoulder dislocation after a slip and fall in Indiana, you may be entitled to compensation for this type of very serious personal injury, call our experienced slip and fall lawyers in Indiana at (260) 777-7777 or message us to learn how we can help protect your rights.

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